Content block on iPhone/giffgaff

I need to know if there's a way around the adult bar on giffgaff. I'm 17 and can't officially remove the content lock until I'm 18. Sites such as tumblr and twitter have just been locked on my phone because of this restriction which is ridiculous! I want to know if there's a way around this block without proof of age e.t.c I have an iPhone so if there are any apps that could help please let me know.

I have contacted giffgaff about unblocking tumblr as the tumblr TOS allows 13years+ to sign up so putting a content lock on this site for 18+ is ridiculous. Giffgaff has not replied to me so I need a way around this problem.

I don't know if this will help you but I had the same problem. I downloaded the tumblr app from the market place on my phone (Samsung galaxy ace) and now I can access near enough everything including stuff that was previously content blocked. Tumblr acted as a sort of proxy for my phone when I visited websites through the app