Could i unlock a Rogers iphone 4s to use on a bell network?

I found a good deal on an iphone 4s, but it's with rogers and i'm on a bell plan with a blackberry torch 9810. I was just wondering if it was possible to get the phone to work across the networks, as i've heard bell runs things a little differently then most phone companies. Any help is appreciated.

Yup, it'll work fine across any GSM network so long as it's unlocked.

Rogers MAY unlock it for you, but in the case that it won't:

Do a quick Google search for "myunlockiphone4s"

Note that jailbreaking (and after unlocking) your iPhone IS LEGAL, so no need to worry about anything like that. Follow the instructions (Really EASY), and wham, bam, thank you ma'am, you've got an unlocked iPhone

Bell is CDMA network sim Card… You can Unlock Rogers I-phone 4S and use with GSM Network sim card. You can't use CDMA Network sim card in it. Rogers is GSM Network. After Unlock a gsm phone use with GSM Network sim… Visit the site get the Remote Unlocking service for I-phone 4S and unlock it from network lock easily. Then use any GSM Network sim card.

Yes you can use it but you will have to unlock it first
as you can't ask rogers for help you will have to contact third party to get one
you can try this one to get your unlock code
they have good services and support

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