Cydia and safari won't open

I have an jail broken iPhone 3GS I got it used so I didn't jail brake it my self and I have it unlock with a straight talk sim
Well I made a mistake and deleted some sources from cydia that I think I wasn't suppose to delete. Oops! But I have reseted the phone by holding down the home button and lock button that didn't work so I went thought my settings and reset the settings that way… That didn't work either and I don't have a computer so I can't connect to iTunes to unjailbreak my phone.
Can I fix my safari without a computer?
Is there a way to delete cydia from my iPhone?
(P.s. I won't to still keep my unlock I have that let's me use straight talk.)

You have to jailbreak it again because yours is tethered.tethered means you have to jailbreak again if the battery dies or if you slide to power off.untethered means your iphone is still jailbroken if the battery is dead or if you slide to power off. Hope i helped!

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