Did she block my number?

I got into an argument with a friend earlier, and I sent her a follow up text a few hours later. After about 5 minutes, the message didn't say it "Delivered" so I held down and sent it as a text message. The message then said "sent as text message" in green. But now if I'm trying to send another message to her it will only send it in text message form, does this mean she blocked me? I have an iPhone 7 btw with the newest software and everything.

No, I don't think so. That doesn't sound like she blocked you.

My advice though would be to leave her alone for now. Pushing yourself into her will only push her away further.

IPhone 7? Haha, you peasant. Talk to me when you have an IPhone X. I almost feel bad for you. I bet you're black or mexican. Toodles

Try calling her

It does not mean she blocked you. However, by continually texting her, you may be pushing her more towards blocking you, so give her some space for now.