Did you know that tariffs caused the Great Depression, and now they're about to make your iPhone more expensive?
Did you know that tariffs caused the Great Depression, and now they're about to make your iPhone more expensive?
All China has to do to avoid the tariffs is stop committing trade violations like intellectual property theft, "dumping", and currency manipulations.
Sure, kid.
I don't have an iPhone. There's no justification in buying an $800 toy, unless it has a practical use, like a boat or fishing tackle, which you can use to feed your family. IPhones aren't any more practical than phones that cost 1/10 their price.
I would pay more for a phone MADE IN AMERICA.
and tariffs where not a cause of the great depression.
Tariffs are a federal sales tax, it is a regressive tax, it is paid by the consumer. They harm the poor and middle class the most.
It's this type of thinking that has caused the US to become so reliant on China's manufacturing. Who cares about the IPhone and Apple? Let them increase the price. Recent IPhone sales have hit a new low. Increasing prices will not help that.
People are getting tired of our jobs being sent overseas. Trump is finally standing up for the US and we love him for that!
Wild speculation and buying equities on margin caused it to a great extent.
Are you saying my iPhone is going to increase in value so I can sell it at a profit? That sounds good. Obviously what I actually paid for it isn't going to change.
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