Difference between IPhone 4 and IPhone 5? - 2

What is the difference between the IPhone 4 and the IPhone 5 besides size?

Software upgrade, bigger screen, panorama, and 4g that's it I don't know why people think "it's the best phone ever!"

In the iPhone 5 you get siri.
The charger and headphone hole are on the bottom. IPhone 5 is much more advanced. You can talk and it will type for you, so will siri. Siri can do almost anything like call text set reminders notifications look up things for you so you won't have to. The iPhone 4 is cheaper but the 5 Is faster and "supposedly" have a stronger screen. I would recommend the 5 but the price I think is 200 with a contract and way more without the contract

Iphone 5 is much faster, and much more attractive. It looks absolutely amazing. The Iphone 5 has 4 inch Retina Display and a 8 Mega Pixel camera. The Iphone 5 is nearly indestructible. And much much more. Check out this website for all the information on the New Iphone 5 http://www.apple.com/.../features/

- James From ApplePro