Difference between Iphone 5 and iphone 4s?
I would be getting an iphone 5 for christmas, but some of my friends told me that iphone 5's google map is totally messed up. I'm not sure about anything else but can someone tell me what is the difference between iphone 5 and iphone 4s? I'm sorta indecisive as to which one i should buy
You can see the comparison among the iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, and iPhone 4 here: http://www.apple.com/...e-iphones/
IPhone 5 is faster, lighter, has a smaller volume despite the bigger screen, looks cooler, has a better prossesor and will stay updated for much longer.
The maps on the 4s are the same as on the 5 and they really aren't that bad as long as you don't live in Colchester.
Yeah google no longer does the map app for the iphone since they're competing w/ apple. If thats a problem, you can just download google maps off the app store. The differences are huge, but the most important one i think is the screen size. So much bigger on the 5 its so nice. And its way thinner. And lighter. Also the processors are much faster on the 5 (there are two of them). 5 is def better all around
IPhone 5 <3
I use the maps all the time when going out, and it's accurate.
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