Differences between the iPhone 3GS and the iPhone 5?
What are the differences between the iPhone 3GS and the iPhone 5? Any huge features that I would miss out on by getting the 3GS?
I have both. Siri is the main change. Camera is way better, iPhone 5 is alot slimmer and faster.
I have a 3GS.
3GS only have one camera
3GS can't FaceTime
They are some apps you can't get on the 3Gs that you can get on newer
The new iPhone looks nicer
Has a better camera (2)
Siri is on the iPhone 5
They look different (new iPhone better)
And that's the main things really
Hope it helped:-)
The i phone 5 has the new operating system as compared to the 3gs. It has a much better retina display and dual cameras and many other small little goodies which were not available in the 3gs. The i phone 5 is also much better in looks
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