DIY front camera for my iPhone 3GS?

I have an iPhone 3GS that works great, I'm not planning on getting a new phone.
I only have one problem. I'm tired of not being able to use Tango, Skype and Facetime apps because as you know 3GS does not have a front camera.
After looking at the iSeeYou thing:
I was kind of inspired… I don't want to buy it, but I was thinking…
What do you think I would need to make something like that?

Good one

The iPhone 3GS does not have a front facing camera. If it does have one, it's probably not an iPhone 3GS. The 3GS has a rear camera only, and two front-facing sensors, an ambient light sensor to detect the light in a room and adjust screen brightness accordingly, and another sensor to detect when the phone is near your face during a call to turn off the screen (so you don't press buttons on a call).