Do I get charged for putting my sim card in a used iPhone?

My dad upgraded to the 4S recently and I put my sim card in his old 3GS. I didn't have a smartphone before and I was wondering if i will get charged with a data plan if I only go on the internet at home. I have AT&T. Please answer As soon as possible.

If you keep the mobile data switched off on the phone and only use your home or other Wi-Fi you will not be charged for data

If you don't have a data plan then you WILL get charged, if you can, use Wi-Fi and turn your AT&T internet connection off. This will save you a lot money.

You bet!

once you pop in your SIM card in the iphone (or any ATT smartphone), and you turn it on… LMFAO… Once that cell tower read the Iphone IMEI # (thumbprint) working inconjunction with your SIM card, it will see if your line has a data plan… And if not… SLAP! $30 data plan added…

that entire process takes about.02 nanoseconds after you turn it on…

so, if you are not suppose to have a data plan per your mom/dad rules… Then take out your sim card NOW, put it back in the old phone you had… Show this answer to mom and dad… And call 800.331.0500 ATT Customer Care… Explain to 611 support that you didn't know what you were doing and you need the data plan removed As soon as possible and that you already took out the sim card from the iphone 3gs. You're very sorry and you'll never do that again.

or… Mom and dad will let you have a $30 data plan now… So ignore everything i just typed and enjoy… Lmao

SIM swapping to Iphones/Androids/Windows/blackberries/an… Nokia Symbian smartphones = instant data plan on ATT/Verizon/Sprint/Tmobile and most all carriers on Earth…

From what I have read in press announcements from AT&T, anyone who does not currently have a data plan type phone and takes their sim and puts it into a smartphone AT&T will automatically add a data plan to the account.

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