Do I have legal action against my company for a hostile work environment?

The CEO and the VP of the company I work at always had a shaky relationship where the CEO was extremely verbally aggressive to her and the company employees on a regular basis. The CEO likely has rage issues and most likely mentally unstable though neither has been proven.

A few months ago the CEO screamed at me for a mistake he ultimately made and threw his keys against my coworkers desk causing them to shatter. Later he threw his iPhone against the wall when it reflected and nearly hit me. I come home sick to my stomach honestly fearing for my life.

Just recently the CEO quite and the staff found out that he and the VP were splitting up. One day our General Manager told the staff to leave the office for our safety since he was on the way to the office to "see the VP". The VP was escorted to her car for safety and the staff was forced to leave in a panic. We were told to work from home the following day.

This is just one of many times the CEO expressed extreme rage. Is there any legal grounds to take action against the company. I can't afford to quite but obviously it is becoming dangerous to work there.

No. If you are in the us, the phrase "hostile work environment" does not refer to having hostile people around. It refers to allowing disparate treatment that makes it difficult to keep working, because of your race, gender, religion or national origin. There's no law that prohibits working with hostile people. Therefore, people can be cops and baseball umpires and all sorts of other things.

Well he might have rage problems and all that but he didn't actually harm anyone in the office did he?
In this case nothing can be done about it. You need to understand their job positions are very stressful, also a good percent of psychopaths are actually CEOs.

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