Do I need 16GB or 32GB of storage?

I'm going to be purchasing an iPhone within the next couple of days, so I'm trying to decide if I should buy one with 16GB or 32GB. I currently have 101 contacts, 1, 000+ songs, and will have some pictures and apps. I don't necessarily want all of my music on my iPhone, but let's say I did, would a 16GB suffice? All of music takes up 9.5GB of my 32GB iPad, but all of my current apps and pictures only take up 3.3GB (and I won't be transferring all of those to my iPhone). Judging from my blackberry info, contacts don't seem to take up a lot of storage room, but I wanted to get some opinions from people who have experience with iPhones. Since a 16GB is cheaper, I definitely want to go with that option if I will be able to get by, but if the 32GB will be better for me, then that's fine too.

Added (1). Also, details about the amount of songs, apps, etc. That you have on yours would be very helpful! Would you even recommend downloading music onto an iPhone?

Definitly go with the 32 brah, you'll need it and its on the safeside, like what if you run out? Either delete or buy another one? So 32

More the merrier, 32 will give more freedom

Your going to need the 32g! Music alone takes up a lot of MBs not to mention if you get into using the camera. Which is fantastic by the way. I have the 16g & I love it! Oh yea contacts won't take up any space so don't worry about that. Have fun! Enjoy!

I think 32GB is the best. As you said, you have 9.5GB of musics and plus 3.3GB and its already 12.8GB and you only have 0.79GB which is 979.6MB (I guess so) left, which could make your iPhone lag so much.

They way I calculate is because Apple only allows 13.59GB available for the user although they say its a 16GB phone. Actually its reserved for the device to store some of its user files.So, 32GB is the best for you.

And by the way, Contacts doesn't take up space, its less than 50KB or less.

When I saw the 1, 000+ songs. I knew you need the 32gb

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