Do Straight Talk IPhone 5's have good signal in Maine?

I live around the Boothbay/Wiscasset area in Maine do Straight Talk iPhones have good signal around here?

Straight talk is with Walmart. You can take your iPhone or other phone from another company and put it the SIM card. Since Straight talk doesn't have its own cell towers, they have acceptable/poor service wherever you go. They use their service off of the main carriers. If I were you, I would stick with AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, or T-Mobile.

Straight Talk buys service from other providers, they do not have their own towers. The Straight Talk Iphone 5 will use AT&T or T-Mobile towers for service. How is AT&T or T-Mobiles service where you live? If AT&T and/or T-Mobile have good coverage and service, it should be fine. If AT&T and/or T-Mobile have spotty or bad coverage where you live, I would not get the Iphone 5.

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