Do the silicone (soft) cases from Victoria's secret PINK protect your iphone?
I have the ipohne 4s. My mom is crazy about what cases I have on my phone because of protection from cracking or breaking. I really want a case from Victoria's secret PINK but my mom thinks it won't protect it. Does anyone have any experience with these cases?
I don't have any experience, but I 100% doubt a silicone case will keep your phone from breaking. I have a case from the same material and the same phone, and I know if I drop my phone on a hard surface, it will break.
No they have no protection protection what so ever. Your phone will get broken and you will die.
- Which iphone cases would protect your phone more? The hard cover ones or the silicone ones or the ones with rubber on them. I want to buy a new case but i want it to be one that can really protect my phone from breaking.
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