Do we seriously need basic education on what makes capitalism work and why that doesn't apply to healthcare?

Here's how a capitalist exchange works:

Case A:
Customer: I want the new iPhone.
Apple: That'll be $12,000
Customer: I'm not getting the new iPhone

Case B:
Customer: I want the new iPhone and I have $4.
Apple: Then you're not getting the new iPhone

Case C:
Customer: I want the new iPhone
Apple: That'll be $1000
Customer: I hate you but here ya go.

Notice how the answer was "no" in Cases A and B. Now here's how healthcare works:

Case A:
Customer: I need a surgery and my life depends on it.
Hospital: That'll be $12,000
Customer: Well the alternative is dying, so sure.

Case B:
Customer: I need a surgery, my life depends on it, and I have $4.
Hospital: That's not enough.
*6 months later*
Customer: I'm in cardiac arrest.
Hospital: That'll be $24,000.
Customer: I still have $4.
Hospital: Well we have to save you.
Customer: Thanks.

Case C:
Customer: I'm sick, but it's not life-threatening and I can say no to the price.
Pharmacy: Here's some affordable drugs.

It would be shaky to call something capitalism if one side couldn't say no. But when NEITHER side can say no, how is it even a debate?

There's a reason public schools don't teach basic concepts of capitalism.

No, we don't need education on capitalism. Healthcare is not and isn't intended to be capitalist.

In point of fact, ONLY capitalism works for healthcare.
YOU need basic education on why NO OTHER economic system comes anywhere close to working as well for ANYTHING.

Your healthcare Case B: Is quite literally a medical IMPOSSIBILITY.

Case B isn't capitolism. Case B occours because of laws that require hospitals to provide care, even if someone is unable to pay.

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