Do you need iTunes to download apps from the Apple App Store?

I'm planning on getting an iphone soon, but I heard that you beed iTunes to get apps from the app store. Is this true?

No, the iPhone comes with its own app for that.

No. Most people don't have iTunes and they directly get apps from the App Store on their iPhones or iPads.

Nope but it will work if you do want to use it

You need an Apple account which is free to make

Not anymore (also never). Sort of a weird answer but I'll explain.

In the past you could download apps directly to the iPhone through the App Store. On a computer you downloaded those apps through iTunes (desktop software) which also manages iPhones.

Nowadays its just buying the apps through the App Store since Apple no longer has app management as part of iTunes.

In any case though, iTunes was & still is free software to download on Mac & Windows.

Not anymore