Do you think America is headed for disaster?

We have two major problems: the college-system is corrupt. It turns people into liberal idiots. No one knows how to do anything anymore. The other problem is technology. Everyone's stuck inside on their computers and iPhones. No one knows their neighbors and how to work in a community. Your thoughts?

Sounds like your solution is to ban schools and science. Good for you.

Yes, sadly. We have many problems. Many of them came from public education

If we're not careful we're headed to a civil war.

We're already there! It's called the Trump presidency!

Our current college system produced Donald Trump, Newt Gingrich and Mitch McConnell, so you might be right.

Most of what you are claiming is not based on any legitimate arguments other than personal attacks

saying that the college education system is corrupt due to liberal idiots is just a childish personal attack based on your own bitterness and anger

if you personally think that the college education system is corrupt, you need to at least have an objective viewpoint based on some objective analysis, otherwise, you are using emotional anger to justify your claim

The leftists want the US to be destroyed and thats why they had marxism creep into our culture very slowly

The Flynn effect went away in the 1970s.

Might as well…

Yes unless we reject liberalism and get back
To traditional family values and stop electing
The best political Debater ( lairs ) and start electing The most credible ( honest ), ethical ( non
Criminal ), reliable ( who gets things done ),
Person running for office. Who can talk to
Regular working people because he is one
Of them ( not a elitists billionaire isolated
From everyone while living in a mansion ) got it?
Electing trump was a gamble but he turned
Out much better than the other person running
( Hillary ) in all aspects previously outlined.

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