Do you think it's so weird for a guy to be living in the '90s?

Inside his home, it's 1999. Everything including his car, bed, tv, and phone, are all from the '90s.

There's absolutely no technology from this millennium so everything is from 1990 to 1999 - only.

He only uses his iPhone for emergencies only. The songs and shows he listens and watches are from the '90s.

It's not that unusual, but a little weird none the less. He sounds ridged, unable to adapt to new things. Usually seen in alcoholics, the extremely opinionated, hoarders, etc.

Yeah, I can understand that.
The 90s aren't so different from now. The phones and computers are better now, the TV shows are better now, the music is definitely worse now… And there are probably less hippies around now… But apart from that, you might as well be living in the 90s.

No, not really, I did see a program on TV about a young couple who love the 1940s, They had normal jobs but when the got home they would dress in 1940s clothes and everything in the house was from that time and it did look amazing too.

Good for him… But what is a 90s bed?

Seems he's content w his life and feels no need to change it. That, or it gives him comfort to stay put in that era.

Yo listen up, here's a story about a little guy that lives in the blue world. And all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue. Like him, inside and outside.
Blue his house with a blue little window and a blue corvette and everything is blue for him and himself cause he ain't got no body to listen to.
Blue is the color of all that I wear. Blue are the streets and all the trees are too. I have a girlfriend. And she is so blue.
Blue are the people that walk around. Blue like my corvette, it's in and outside. Blue are the words I say and what I think. Blue are the feelings that live inside me.

Maybe he had a tragedy happen to him and he remembers happy times back then.