Does Hulu Plus Update Their Catalog More Than Netflix Does?

I was wondering if Hulu Plus had a wider variety of TV and movies than Netflix Instant does. Because at the moment I have Netflix on my PS3 and iPhone, and they don't update their catalog too often, and it's rather annoying. They promised tens of thousands of TV shows and movies, yet the majority of movies I want to watch aren't even on there. They seem like just a bunch of B+ and old 80's and 90's shows. Don't get me wrong, there are some modern shows on there such as Son's of anarchy, Family Guy and others, but it's not as wide of a variety as I thought it would be. So all things considered, does Hulu Plus have a wider, better variety of new TV shows and movies?

Hulu has a much wider variety of TV shows, but not movies. Hulu has under 1, 000 movies while Netflix has nearly 10, 000 as you referenced. The majority of Hulu's movies come from the Criterion Collection which is lesser known classics and art house films. Hulu definitely updates their TV catalog more often than Netflix because they have so many contracts that give them new episodes the day after they air on TV. I use both services because I feel they complement each other well