Does money equal success?

Interested in your answers. Does money equal success or is how you get it or how you live your life what makes success? There's a lot of bad people in the world who get money by doing very bad things. Those people have money, are they successful? Another example is Nestle, in the 80's millions of babies died because Nestle misinformed mother's about breastfeeding in order to make money. As a result millions of babies died and one of nestles executive jumped to his death out of a 16th storie window. Look at Steve Jobs, he brought us the iPhone and the iPad but he made his money off the backs of child labor. What truly makes success?


Yes, money makes most people a success.
Imagine living with nothing.

Depends on how you define success and if

Your success makes you happy or not happy.

I really believe that money does not equal

Success but happiness does ok.

Very best wishes for your future happiness


Source. Study Informal.

All that you say, goes to point out that success is whatver the individual person defines it to be.

Money is never an end in itself, since being the medium of exchange, the entire purpose is to exchange money against something one values higher.

The consent of the parties answers all questions of morality.

Hell no, that would be a very pathetic measure

To an extent, yes. Not everybody can make a lot of money and not everyone has the brains to earn or get money legally.

Well yeah thats the only thing you can do in the world. To keep a high status, but I hate it. Why can't we just love each other

Money does not equal success Whether for material gain or for self- important in many cases money lose it value and there go your success. But what goes farther in being successful is having Respect, Important of helping others, be honest. The bible says" when a person has an abundance, his life does not result from the things he possesses."

Money does not equal success. You grow and learn and evolve in your career. That makes you successful. Money is too much of a main focus these days, but you can't buy happiness.

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