Does sound affect your dreams?
Anyways last night I was dreaming about receiving Facebook messages on my phone. I you have an iPhone you know fb messages sound different then text messages. In my dream my girlfriend was messaging me about something. When I woke up I saw I had got a whole bunch of fb questions from a kid in my physics class. Does sound affect what you dream about?
Also if listened to women groaning would I dream about sex or if I listened to the wind if dream about flying or being at the ocean?
Yes noise does affect your dream. Once you hear the noise your brain fits that noise into your dream somehow.
Does sound affect your dreams. Well lets see lets say your staying in a hotel room your asleep having a regular dream lucid dream or God given dream or whatever when all the sudden honk honk honk 3 second pause honk honk honk 3 second pause honk honk honk repeating then yes it can end your dream so you can walk down 10 flights of stairs it obviously does affect your dreams it can end them and that can be a bad thing if you dream with a purpose.
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