Does the iPhone stop charging once it reaches 100%?

I got my iPhone a month ago, and now school is starting. I don't know if charging it all night will mess up the battery slowly, or what. I think it does slowly mess up the battery on other phones if you charge it too much… Because overnight, your phone is basically charging for 4-5 hours longer than necessary. Like it may reach 100% at 2 A. M., then it's just extra charging. BUT I heard once that the iPhone goes into standby mode and stops charging once it reaches 100%. If that was true, then it would be impossible to overcharge it pretty much. Is that true? Can I charge it all night with no problems?

I know the iPod stops charging at 100% but Yes you can still charge it overnight. Thats what I Do: )

The iPhone has voltage regulation, where it is constantly charging as required, then stops when fully charged. Then, as the phone consumes power it will once again get a momentary recharge until it reaches 100%, and as long as the charger is plugged in, the cycle continues.

It is safe to do that with All phones. I always plug my phones, tablets, laptops, etc., overnight, sometimes for several days.

It's SAFE.

It's almost safe but If you start charging it from less that 20% the iPhone superchargers a bit. You can see that with "Battery Doctor" from the Appstore

Yeah I charge my iPhone during the night it doesn't have effects on the battery