Does this boy i met at camp like me?

Its literally 50/50… In public he is really rude and mean to me and says i suck at soccer and he kept saying it everyday. Then on one of the last days of camp he saw me ignoring him and he felt really bad. He always stared at me a lot from distance too, he would help me and give me tips so he can be really sweet in private. He always accidentally touches me like he pokes my shoulder and sat next to me. He put his hand on my thigh and then when i realized he pulled away. He always brags about me and how i got the goal in soccer and he always says great job to me. But hes still really mean to me. I have mixed emotions… He always stands close to me and one time he asked if i had an iphone 5s and i said yeah and he said oh nice do you wan and then he was like oh um nvm. Does he hate me or like me?

Ok i think he does feel something for you but he has mixed emotions too and i think he's shy and still not ready to confess his feeling i think you should give him some time if this continues then i think you should talk to him hope this helps