Dropped iphone 4 in the bath?
I just dropped my SECOND iphone 4 in the bath, it was turned off and i took it out in about 1 second and it was submerged for less than a second. I blow dryed it on a cold setting and shook and and put it in an air tight thing of rice for about two hours in a warm place. I just connected it to the computer and it shows up in itunes and makes sound when i plug it to charge. We also rang it and it rings but the screen stays black. Like everything works even the touchscreen but it stays completely black.
PUT IT IN RICE AND LEAVE IT THERE FOR A DAY OR So make sure its dry rice.
This has happened to me before. Just leave it for about 24 hours without doing anything. After 24 hours plug the charger in. The screen should be working properly again. Also even though this sounds really weird put the phone in the freezer. I was told to do this by a technician and it worked.
Blow drying it will move the water around the components inside the phone, so not advisable.
Quickly, switch the phone off completely, then put it into a sealed container filled with rice. Leave this for up to 24 hours that should be long enough for the rice to absorb the moisture around it.
Fingers crossed it works for you.
Be aware that the contact with water will now have invalidated your warranty. If you have insurance a claim may be advisable.
The Screen May Have Been Shorted. It Sounds Like You Shocked Your Device. I know In My Mall There's A Tech Store That Will Try To Fix Any Iphone, ipad, ipod They Don't Charge For Looking To See If That's The Problem But I Would Suggest See If There's A 3rd Party Tech Store unless You Have Apple Care. It Was Probably From Not Giving It long Enough When I Torture Tested The IPhone 4/4s I completely submerged The Phone In Water For 30 Seconds Took It Out Dried It Turned It Off And Set It In A Bag-o-Rice For 3 Days.
Put yout phone inside of a bowl of Rice! Make sure the phones covered in rice so! This will fix your phone surely! The rice dries up all water inside your phone… Do it and leave it in the rice for a long time, all night if you must
It's screen is dead. Don't use it till you show it to mechanic. Shut it down. If you use it again and again, so it will be completely dead.
Two hours is not enough to dry a single grain of rice let alone the phone and by powering it up you have probably done more damage to it.
It needs at least 48hours in a bag of dry rice in an airing cupboard, you do NOT want it in an airtight container as the moisture has no where to go.
So this was NOT the first time
You still have not explained the NECESSITY to take your phone into the bath let alone the bathroom,
Is it me or is it Schadenfreude?
You do know the difference between a bath and a shower…
You can eat PIZZA, or have a Mojito in a bath iPhones or any phone that is a big no no.
Clearly lesson NOT learned
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