Dropped iPhone in water, screen is black, sound still works?

So I accidently dropped my phone in water, but the top half didn't fully go in.
The screen stayed on for a couple of seconds then went black.
I quickly pulled it out and immediatly dried it off.
I put it in a bag of white rice last night at midnight and its been in there for 12 hours.
I can hear when someone texts me and calls me but it won't turn on.

Keep your phone in the rice for a further 12 hours. It may not work though but it's worth trying.

LIke the first person said, rice might work and I also heard about beach sand…

The best people to help are the people who work in Apple themself, go take your phone to the store for advice, but keep it in rice

Give it a day or two. Happened to a friend of mine a few weeks ago and I told him the same thing and it started working again normally once the insides dried out. Just give it time.

Listen to me. Your phone is lost. Ill tell you why. You heard someone text you which means the phone is on. You leaving the phone on allowed water to pass through the circuit board and it fried the connectors if the screen went black and soon the battery will be gone. Rice won't help because water has already made it. I had a iPod I washed and it had detergent in the screen. I turned it off and left it in rice for a week and the detergent is gone and it works perfectly. When the phone is submerge red it's pretty much gone

Take battery out and dry it out as well.

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