Dropped my iPhone 4s in toilet! Home alone

I dropped my iPhone 4s in the toilet! I'm home alone and my parents are going to get really worried when I don't answer their texts. I'm only 13. Eeek! I was going to go to the bathroom and forgot my phone was in my back pocket. I dropped it in and got it out 2 mins later (nastiest thing ever reaching into a toilet >.<) I have never done this and never thought I'd be one of those people who drops their phone in a toilet --- But anyway, it's screen came up and I tried typing in my passcode but it started freaking out (went black, volume sign came up, etc) Just freaking out. I never got a chance to turn it off. I dried it off with a towel then shook it (to get some of the water out) and some water did come out so I dried it and kept shaking it all the way downstairs and into the kitchen where I put it in a bag of rice. What do I do? I got on facebook and had my friend send my mom a text, but I know my parents are gonna be so disappointed. Is there a way I can still save it? Or is it beyond repair? ;/ Thanks!

Turn it off let it dry

The circuitry is most likely shorted out. All you can do is wrap it in a dry towel, or the best way to soak up the water, in my opinion, is to get a ziploc baggy and fill it with rice, then put in your iPhone. Leave it in a dry corner of your basement, and tell your parents right away so they don't get mad later down the road. After that, all you can do is take it into a repair shop or apple store and have them take a look at it.

This is how you fix it
1. DO NOT TURN IT ON! That could fry your phone permenatley!
2.take out the battery if possible
3. This sounds stupid but put everything thats wet in a bowl of uncooked rice because the rice will soak up the water
4. Try to turn it on i n about half an hour
it worked for me.
hope this helps xxx

Since you have an iphone, you probably won't be able to save it… The rice thing will help but since the battery is not removable, the chances are really slim. If it does survive, you most likely will lose the speakers and the audio jack will be messed up… Happened to my ipod touch 3g. Best of luck and visit the apple store to get a more complex analysis

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