Ermm how do I remember new locker combination?

I'm going to a new school ( junior high. ) and it has lockers. I want to know how to memorize it. Like any free apps for iPhone?

Make a song of the numbers.
Or write it somewhere, like notepad on your iPhone.

Tattoo it onto your forehead

It's only six digits. It's really not that hard to memorize numbers, I would stop thinking about my combo over the summer and still be able to do it when I would go back.

I guess you just sit down and take it in for a while. Not just read it, but actually take it in, and maybe make a little tune out of the numbers. I believe I heard somewhere that it takes the human brain about eight seconds to memorize something simple, so just read it for about eight seconds and repeat it to yourself so you don't forget.

A simple way would be repeating it all over again in your head, or try memorizing it bit by bit.
memorize the first number. Then once you've got it (how hard can that be, though?) memorize together the first number and then the second number. Then when you've got it move on to the third, and so forth.

like if your combination is 012983, you memorize it like this:
0, 012, 0129, 01298, 012983

or by 3s, like
012, 983, 012983

Put it in your phone or something! It's three whole numbers and if you put it on your phone, someone might read it. Just memerize it, it's not hard!

If it's 4 numbers look on your telephone keypad for the corresponding letters and make a word like 2378 could be BEST or 6273 MARE. If 1 or 0 appears use them as l or o. Or you could make a tune using 1234567890 as the notes abcdefgabc. You could spliut to combo in two so if it were 4793 remember 47 and 93. Alternatively write it in a safe place but ;'coded' so if it were 3692 write something like 13765920 and use every second number.