Everytime I turn my laptop on, it stay as just a blank screen?

I was on my laptop last night (Acer Aspire 5535, Windows Vista. Just incase any of this matters), and when I was finished, I put it to sleep as I usually do, because turning it off and on it so much effort. Maybe that's what caused the problem even though I've done it for years.

Anyway! This morning, I turned my laptop on, and the On light, the battery light and the charger light all showed up as usual, the fan was going and I heard something from the disc drive… But then nothing. The screen just stayed black and it wasn't loading. So I turned it off by holding the power button, and back on and the same thing happened.

Did a bit of research from my iPhone, and did that thing where you take the battery out, and unplug the cable, held the power button for 60 seconds and then plugged the charger back in, left the battery out and turned it back on. It worked fine after that.

Only problem is, now EVERY TIME I turn my laptop off or put it to sleep, when I turn it on, I have to do the 60 second power button thing. I also noticed that my web cam doesn't seem to work since today. It tries to work for about 10 seconds and then turns itself off again.

Any help with this would be great!

Thanks guys.

Also, just want to add, I put a question on a few weeks ago about VGA not working from this laptop anymore. Do you think my computer is just starting to fail and die?

Charge it?

Try starting in safe mode by pressing the f 8 key then do a scan

With all the problems you seem to be having I would restore factory settings. ( back to how it was when new)

If you have personal files that you wish to keep, copy them to external/cd/ dvd first.


For option to restore click programs - Acer - Acer empowering technology - Acer Erecovery management.

OR ->


Hold down the Alt key and start tapping F10 as soon as you switch on to bring up the option.

Password, if it asks, is 000000 (six zeros)

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