Facebook app on my iPhone 4 keeps crashing?
It's not jail broken and when It kept crashing I thought maybe my phone needed an update? So I updated to iOS 6.0.1 but it still keeps crashing. I even turned my phone off and on. Does anyone know why its doing this or know how to fix this?
Mine is doing it as well. Must be a bug with Facebook
Don't know what the fix is but we have 4 devices with different Facebook accounts and they are all doing the same thing.
Deinstalled, reinstalled rebooted but to no avail. Hope they get a fix soon.
Same problem now.
Same here, just started today.
Same for mine. It started at like 3:35 today. I was using it earlier today and it worked fine I have an iPhone 4
I do not know how to fix but my facebook app for the iphone4s is doing the same thing it just started today… I reinstalled and restarted teh phone and have the same prob
***Update*** Just asked around the office there are 10 others here so that makes 11 of us with the same prob --- if you search this in google it seems to happen all the time I hope FB fixes soon
Mine is doing the same it was fine until an hour ago! It's so annoying I thought it was my phone! I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it and while I was doing that it froze.
Yea same here. It's a bug, that they'll need in update for.
Still works in Safari though
I have iPhone 4s and have been experiencing the same problem as well.
I uninstalled FB
Re-installed FB
Shut off phone/turned back on
In the end it is STILL crashing
Totally (dislike)!
On Facebook.
Go to "help center"
then "fix a problem"
then " problems with games and apps" and then you can report it.
I have the app installed on my iPod & it keeps closing by itself too. It just started doing that a while ago. It was working fine earlier today.
Had the same problem for about an hour. Found out there was the same problem last year on nov 1st. Tried to set a different date on my 4s. Fb reported network error. Then set date back to auto… And it worked! No crashes… Go figure…
Mine is doing this also! It started today, too. I uninstalled and reinstalled it 4 or 5 times and restarted my phone 3 or 4 times. Keep us posted if you figure it out!
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