Facebook Mobile not in privacy settings for iPhone/ iPod?
( 32GB iPod Touch 5th Gen.iOS 6.0 )
Apparently there's an issue with privacy settings and facebook mobile. Pretty much, I'm at a wall trying to upload some photos. I'm not an idiot, so I looked up some solutions. But…
I've tried:
(But facebook was not there)
(Still not there)
(Still nothing… )
(… Yeah)
(Re-downloading Facebook doesn't work, nor does respringing or rebooting my ipod. No luck with retrying the upload. And no luck doing any of these in different combinations.)
At this point, I'm ready to throw this piece of sh*t in the trash. Apple looks great aesthetically, but the software runs like a paraplegic trying to sprint uphill. So any suggestions would be great.
It's all Greek and Latin to me.
- What settings will it change if I press reset all settings on my iPhone? Also, will this help speed up my iPhone because that's what I've heard. Because my iPhone has been so slow lately and taking like 3-5 minutes to send 1 text. If you know of any other ways that could help speed that up please also let me know that.
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- Privacy settings.iPhone I installed the keek app on my iphone and went to add a profile pic on it when it asked to access my photos. My accident I pressed no! Now it keeps saying I need to change my privacy settings to put a profile pic up. I went to settings. Privacy on my iPhone but keek is not showing up there. I've tried deleting the app and reinstalling it but that doesn't work. Also turned my phone off and on but nope.
- IPhone Tumblr Privacy Settings? Tumblr told me I did not allow the app access to photos. I went into my privacy settings to change it but the tumblr app wasn't in the setting. I don't know how else to do this.