FaceTiming other phones besides iPhones?

So, I know FaceTime doesn't work with phones that aren't iPhones. Not even Android.

I'm just wondering if, perhaps, I accidentally requested to facetime an android phone (or something like that) the call showed up at all?

Like did the other person receive notification?

The other person won't get notified, because like you said Facetime is 100% Apple.

There are other apps that do the same thing as Facetime but work on both iPhone and Android, for instance Skype.

If you try to FaceTime a non-iPhone user, you'll simply get a "user not available for FaceTime" message. The person won't get any notification.

No it just won't go through. Facetime is for apple, and apple products only.

There are other video chat clients available such as Skype, Tango, etc.

Search 'video chat' is google play, or whatever app store you have. Many can go over (eg, Android to Apple)

No. As you said, FaceTime does not work with phones other than iPhones.

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