Fastest way to restore iphone 4.1

ITunes is tellin me its going to take more than 2 days to restore help and also how to jailbreak ipod IOS 5.1.1 Help As soon as possible!

Get an Android Phone.

Are you saying that you have 4.1 firmware? Or are you restoring from a 4.1 jailbreak to upgrade to a 5.1 jailbreak? If your computer is slow it might take a while. I don't know about two days though… Seems extreme. I've restored before and it took a few hours but that was it.
To jailbreak to 5.1 go to the redsn0w or absinthe websites and find the jailbreak for your device and it'll have very simple instructions for you to follow step by step.

BY THE WAY, when you do get your phone jailbroken, do not get a quick reply tweak such as biteSMS. It's very glitchy and obnoxious. Trying to save you from the frustration: P

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