Forgot my passcode on my old phone?
I want to give my dad my old iPhone 5SE, but I forgot the passcode. My friend told me that unless iCloud is on, apple can't retrieve the passcode, is that true?
You can put the phone in DFU mode and restore it in iTunes. Of course, this will erase everything off of the phone. However, if you had Find my iPhone enabled, you will need to either remove that phone from your iCloud account, or log in to your iCloud account on the phone once the restore process is complete and you're at the setup screen.
- What to do if i forgot my iphone 4s passcode? So i forgot my passcode, and i don't know what to do. I read that you could plug your phone into itunes and then reset it, but i really don't want to lose all my photos, text messages, contacts, etc. Is there a way to reset my password without losing all my iphone's data? Please answer quickly! Thank you so much! Btw, please don't suggest to go to the apple store/call verizon because i really don't want to do that, thanks.
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- I forgot my iphone passcode? This morning i was going to go on my iphone to check it out, but it says i forgot my passcode, but i know exactly what it is. I tried over 5 times but i got disabled for 1 hour, and i'm afraid to try again. Can someone help me, and no i do not want to go to the apple store, or bring it in to a professional for help.