Fun, addictive, entertaining apps for iphone?
Anything is fine free or paid just give me something fun, addictive, and entertaining
If you like games with stories try Maplestory.
Field runners 2.It's a tower defense game of epic proportions that will get you hooked
Temple run, kickoff, tiny wings
Temple run could be one. You can get it free from the Google play store. (Or temple run brave, though that one cost's 0.99 cents)
It works on just about any touch screen. Even an iPod touch or opacity. (All except with an o phone from cricket. For some reason temple run is not comparable with a device from cricket -.-)
Skyrim iphone edition. True story bro
- Why is gadgets are so addictive? I had my iphone last year. It is my first time to own a smartphone. It is even fun to have when all my friends had it too. I realized I spent to much of my times on smartphone for social network and whatsapp. I can't control myself. I tried not to online but failed somehow.
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- What are some good/entertaining game for the iPhone? So I just got an iPhone recently and the apps I have already are: Temple Run Temple Run 2 Shadow Pop Guess the Icon and Logos in 1 Picture What Logo? BlokHeads What am I What Phrase What Saying? Waiting is Magic MyLittlePony (Don't judge) Scribble Say the Same Thing Candy Crush Draw Something 2 Family Fued Thanks to everyone who helps me out with some games!
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