Get the Note 9, wait for S10, or wait for a 5G phone?

No, I will not get an iPhone. I like my phones beefed out to the brim in tech specs and iPhones are mediocre at best.

Except that, because of iPhone optimisations from Apple, they don't need to be "beefed out to the brim in tech specs" to compete & beat those Samsung phones, including the 2017 iPhone X beating the 2018 Galaxy Note9.

Anyways, eventually the Galaxy S & Galaxy Note lines of course would come with 5G models, but that could be 2020 at least. Not sure if 2019 would be the case as 5G is barely starting rolling out at this point & I don't think Samsung would release the Galaxy S10 as a 4G phone & potentially the Galaxy Note9 as a 5G phone (again assuming 5G reaches a mature enough level by then).

As far as the Note9 vs S10 its basically down to your patience. Note9 now-ish or S10 by January (when it is rumoured to come out) which of course would have some improvements over the Note9 & is the cheaper of their 2 flagship models & arguably their premiere flagship.

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