Getting a half fare metro card or full fare?
So this is really weird but I didn't get my metro card yet. I'm starting high school in about a month, and I'm confused wether I will get a full fare or half fare since high school is far and I'm taking the bus… So on iPhone that map thing where you route the distance, from the bus stop which tAkes me about one and a half minute walking to my high school it takes about 31 minutes, which is 1.5 miles of distance… I did check the regulation for metro cards at new York, and I know 1.5 mile only gets half fare, but I got a half fare when it takes 15 minutes or more for me to get to my middle school… So one time more than it would be a full fare? I'm really confused, an please help me out and tell me when I will get it. Mind my miscellaneous sentences…
According to the MTA website, reduced fare cards are only supposed to be for elderly passengers over 65 or disabled riders. Riders who want to purchase reduced fare Metro Cards must apply and prove their age or disability, and be approved by MTA which will register them for any future reduced fare card purchases.
My friend, since you're student, you referring to the student MetroCard. Not the one for senior citizen and the disabled.
Now, the half fare card is only for students who travel up to a mile and a half from the their school. This means that half of the fare, which is around $1.13, is cover by the card, other half is paid by the student.
The full fare card is for students who travel more than a mile and a half from their school. This means the entire fare is cover by the card and you don't pay nothing.
Since you're school is a mile and a half from your home, you will be getting a student half fare card.
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