Getting married at the Justice of the Peace?

Has anyone done it? What is the experience like? I know there will be other couples there on the same day to be married. Do they rush the couples through to get everyone married that day? I saw a friends wedding that was taped using an iphone. It seemed nice… What about the vows? Is it the traditional "I John take you Mary to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold… Etc" or because it's the Justice of the Peace, do they have some amended, quick vows they use? Any information is truly appreciated.

My mom was married with the Justice of the Peace. It was nice. The ceremony was about 15 minutes. The vows were traditional. They ask if you have any written. They didn't rush or anything. I was only 11 when they got married but I remember enough of it.

My mom and step dad were married by a JOP. The wedding was at my grandparents home. It was not rushed. They had music, a soloist. The vows were very traditional, not amended. It's up to you to talk with the JOP before the ceremony to make sure you get what you want.