Good online shopping websites like

I want guaranteed and trusted online shopping websites with good prices to shop at, I'm looking for make up and jewelry mostly, but also clothing and iphone cases if available, anything with options and good prices would be appreciated.

Ebay, craiglist, zappos.ioffer

Good online shopping websites like are, and

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  • What is the online site for shopping for random things? I heard from somebody that you can buy things from this site and i forgot what its called they have things like lights, iPhone accessories, shot glasses.things you would find in the urban outfitters random stuff section. And the prices are better supposedly
  • What are some reliable shopping websites? So I'm looking into buying an iPhone 5c online for a good price & I have no idea where to start. I really don't trust the internet and I was wondering what website can I go to that is known to be reliable and won't take your money away? I have been on amazon and eBay. Are these reliable?