Grand theft auto vice city or minecraft on iPhone?
Hi, I have a little trouble with credit cards and such on the AppStore and I was wondering will someone be willing to if they bought the mentioned games if I can use their account to re download? I'm a good and smart kid and promise not to do anything else please
My Apple ID is Anitawiener69
Password <3pen15
- Will my iPhone become slower if I download Vice City? I have an iPhone 5 16G, and I'm thinking of downloading Grand Theft Auto Vice City. Since the download is almost 1G alone, will this slow my iPhone down? I currently have 11.7G available, but obviously will be using more later on. The app costs like $6, which isn't much but it's enough for me not to experiment with it. If anyone has the same phone in the same situation let me know if it runs fine.
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