Had my Iphone 5 for 3 months and it's already malfunctioning

Okay so I'm having problems with my Iphone 5 (surprise, surprise).It does things on its own without me doing anything.e. G if I start playing a song of my music or watch a video on youtube, it will suddenly pause on its own then start playing again then pause again or it will rewind or fast forward what ever i'm watching/listening to on its own. It will randomly activate siri on its own without my even touching it. And this doesn't happen every now and then, it happens consistantly while it is on! In fact just now, I set my iphone down on my desk and it just started playing a song on my playlist! This is really frustrating! What can I do to solve this? Has anyone had any similar problems?
iPhone 5

Lt should be under warranty. Take it back to wherever you purchased it and demand a refund.

It may be a software fault try backing up your iPhone on iTunes and then re install the software. If this doesn't solve it take it back to apple as you have 12 months guarantee, they will repair or replace your phone without charging you anything.

hope this helps

Software problem i would say either restore the phone after a backup or take it back to the store you got it from and ask them to get it sorted for you after all if you have only had it for a few months it is definitely under warranty.

Not similar but am also facing kind of frustrated problem, am my alarm not honk on time, but its 1 year old so i don't have no option to replace, but am sure its software problem.
And same in your case, so its kind of software problem you can restore it back.

Or in last, don't take worry cause your are in under warranty period so, its better just visit purchasing store and ask to fix it or replace this problem.

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