Has anyone been able to downgrade from IOS 7.1 back to IOS 7.0.6?

I had to update my iphone 5 to ios 7.1 and i hate it so much because i can't jailbreak it. So i was wondering has anyone been able to downgrade or restore their iphone back to ios 7.0.6? If you have can you explain how please

Apple makes downgrading virtually impossible. Because each firmware upgrade is validated by Apple, to make it harder to jailbreak, there's no way to downgrade your firmware. Your best chance is to wait for the next exploit to be released.

Update: A Chinese group recently released a jailbreak for iOS 7.1 and 7.1.1. The page not in English, and it's really new (not necessarily trustworthy). But there are reports that it works properly.
Here is the link: http://pangu.io/

Also, there's apparently an issue that causes this jailbreak to break stock apps, so you'll want to follow this guide to fix it: http://www.redmondpie.com/remove-ppsync-after-ios-7.1.1-jailbreak-to-fix-stock-app-crashes-heres-how/
As I said earlier, and I can't stress enough, proceed with caution.

You can follow these instructions to safely update using the new Chinese jailbreak but remove all the malware