Has anyone had luck with getting deleted messages back?

I deleted text messages from my iphone recently from a few weeks ago and its important to me that i get them back.
i've read online when you plug your phone in your computer it scans it and you're able to get text messages back or through itunes.
i would rather not go to apple store if i don't have to.

Well if you backed up your text with iTunes BEFORE you deleted them, then yes you can restore them using iTunes. But if the text in question had never been backed up, iTunes does not have any MAGIC to recover something that was not backed up.

An Apple store would not be able to use MAGIC either, to recover things you did not backup to one of their computers, using iTunes of course.

So next time when you READ something, make sure that you comprehend what it is that you are reading, rather than skimming it and thinking it said something that it did not.