Has anyone listened to the News Boys?

The News boys is a Christian rock band and the first time I heard of them was when I watched the movie, God's not dead. Ever since then, I've been inspired by them. And I have one of their albums on my Iphone.

Yes, I like them and I saw them performing once. They have been around for a long time and they are still coming out with good stuff. God's Not Dead was good!

I have seen them in concert twice, which is awesome since their concerts are free. My wife loves them and my kids do too, especially my daughters. They have had a LOT of lineup changes and for me that's a problem, it's kind of like they're a band in name only and musicians kind of cycle through. But they definitely are worthwhile and probably one of the best praise music bands ever.

Yes I have. I would say I'm not a fan, really really low on my playlist.

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