Has the personal computer been reduced to nothing?

Nowadays you have cheap iPhones and even iPads with cheap apps to go with it. Who would need a desktop computer? Is this the mark of the recession?

Who would need a desktop computer?
Well for example can you on your phone edit a video, render a video, modeling in 3D, playing high end games, store all your media you ever had, share your work through the use of server programs and host websites.
Not to mention doing at the same time on mutiple screens?

I have a iPhone, two desktops and a laptop. The phone is the least used item that i have because its just a phone. I can't do anything of the things i normally do on it.
The games a boring, i can't edit my videos on it. I can't host my servers on it. I can't play my bf3 or LFS on it. And so on.

I use a PC all the time, if you need to type anything substantial you are aren't going to be doing it with your thumbs. I agree with the other poster, there are a hundred things I need a computer for. Anyone that thinks it isn't needed is stuck in their own little world of texting and web browsing and thinks thats all anyone needs to do.

Unfortunately, today most people are going away from desktops to portable computing. The ones that stay are heavy into gaming, or CAD stuff, or video rendering, or the like. I don't do any of that, but I won't consider anything but a desktop, because I can change and modify it, and I can have tons of storage and a giant screen. Try carrying around a 27" screen! How many portable computers do you know of that can have 5 hard drives with no problem? (You can have 9 hard drives with some motherboards! I can't imagine needing that many! ) I need a desktop computer for my reasons, and gamers and video editors and CAD people and so on need them.

~Helpful ~Cindy!