He ejaculated in me a week before my period, is pregnancy possible?

He ejaculated a week before my period, is pregnancy possible?

we had unprotected sex last night && we were in a "cowgirl" position.of course, i didn't want to stop and he couldnt get me off. After we had sex, he said he ejaculated in side me.
i'm expecting my next period in about a week or so.
also, we had unprotected sex twice last week (during ovulation time according to my Menstrual Calendar app on my iPhone) but he didn't shoot in me, only pre-c u m.

are my chances of pregnancy high?

I'm hoping strongly that you want to get pregnant. But yes i say your chances are beyond HIGH. So don't get to happy if you think you get your period if it comes. Its does come. It could be your last period for 9 months. But it sound like you are going to be pregnant.wish u the best!

Yeah very high

If you let a guy ejaculate in you then pregnancy is likely; I thought that was pretty obvious.

Not high… Go here for a nice calculation: www.onlinepregnancytest.biz/

Unprotected so of course its possible

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