Help don't want to delete my photos?

Recently all of my photos have been unable to download to the cloud because there isn't enough storage on it, I don't like using the cloud and want my photos to be stored on my phone, every time I go to photos some of them are blurry and have a little exclamation mark in the bottom corner. I didn't have this on my old iPhone and want to know how I stop using the iCloud Photo Library so the photos are stored on my phone instead of the cloud. Every time I try to turn this setting off a notification pops up saying that this iPhone was not able to download all of the full resolution pics and vids, if you continue the low resolution versions of these pics and vids will be removed. Does this mean my pictures will all be deleted if I turn off this setting? I just want my photos to be in full resolution all the time and stored on my phone so that they don't have to load up to not be blurry

Would you be able to try google photos? Maybe google drive?

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