Help jailbreaking iphone 4 6.0.1?

I need some help getting a free untethered jailbreak on my iphone 4 ios 6.0.1. I bought it used so I don't think that I have the shsh files to downgrade to 5.1.1. I checked on tinyumbrella and it didn't find any.Am I screwed until they find a way to jailbreak it, or is there a way I can do it on 6.0.1/downgrade to 5.1.1 that I don't know about?

Added (1). Thanks Ni, but I don't care about unlocking it, it's factory unlocked. I want to downgrade to ios 5.1.1 or get an untethered jailbreak for 6.0.1.

It is impossible to downgrade without shsh blobs saved. However the ios 6.0.1 untethered jailbreak for a4 devices will be out soon.

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