How can I center a subject perfectly faster on my iPhone camera so that I can take photos faster?

How can I center a subject perfectly faster on my iPhone camera so that I can take photos faster?

Work on your aim.

Only with practice.

You should keep in mind that centering the subject perfectly in the frame violates the rules of composition. Yes, there are times when it's justified, but most of the time you never want to have your main subject perfectly centered in the frame because it creates a very static and boring, composition.

But if you do have a good reason to center your subjects, you will only get faster doing so with a lot of practice. You might try downloading apps that produce a grid pattern on the screen. You can then use this pattern to perfectly center your subjects. Or, better yet, use it as it was intended which is to provide a pattern using the Rule of Thirds, which allows you to easily produce a much more visually pleasing composition. Look up the Rule of Thirds and use that as a means of composing your photos. It's one of the fastest and easiest ways of improving your photos.

Who said that centered subjects make perfect photos? Study composition!

Use your eyes.

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