How to fix my iphone after being dropped in the toilet?

Today in the morning my iphone 4 fell in the toilet and i quickly pulled it out and rolled it in a towel and wiped the water, shook the excess out and the phone was on. I thought it was fine but then my home button didn't work. My friend told me to turn it off and but it on the window sill to dry, that was around 9am. I turned it off and left it there, after 1hour i tried turning it on but it wouldnt:/ i'm panicking because this is a gift from my boyfriend and i only had this phone for not even a week. At 7:30pm i plugged it in the charge and it turned on to the apple logo, and then it turned off. And it kept turning back on, and off again. So i unplugged it and still waiting for it to dry. Is there any other way to fix my phone? My boyfriend will be very disappointed if I tell him! I need help! As soon as possible!

Take apart any of the removable components, cover, battery, etc. Then fill a large container with rice and bury everything in it. Leave it in for at least a half a day. Rice absorbs water and can usually save your wet electronics… Though it's best done right away. The longer the water is in there the worse the damage.

Turn the phone off, and put it in uncooked, white rice. Leave it there for a couple of days. The rice should absorb the water, and it will be okay in no time. You might still have some bubbles in the screen, but the actual phone should work fine. Hope this helps.

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