How to Prevent My iPhone 4s From Getting Stolen?

Ok so sometime last year I brought 2 of my iphones to school n dey both got stolen diffrent classes same day! One of them ppl took from my bag! But yeah how do I prevent them from stealing my iphone cuz I need it at school without leaving it home n can't leave in lockers cuz people steal from there to!

Put it in your pocket

Before you go to school keep your iPhone in your pocket. And always keep an eye on it. I don't mean you have to stare at it all the time. Lol. But just put it in your jacket or jeans pocket and it won't get stolen.

Hold it in your hand while your in the hallways and just put in your pocket or on your lap during classes. Or if your a girl, carry a wristlet on your wrist all day with the phone inside. Then you could carry your lunch money inside there too.

Keep an eye on it mostly, only let friends you trust borrow it, and I think there's an app for tracking lost apple products, so you should do some looking into it.
Hope I helped!

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